Model Y vergelijken


De WLTP-standaard kan nuttig zijn voor het vergelijken van het bereik van verschillende elektrische voertuigen. De bereiken die als geschatte waarde worden vermeld onder de keuzes van de velgen en het aantal zitplaatsen, indien beschikbaar, zijn schattingen op basis van de door u gekozen configuratie.

Het werkelijke bereik kan variëren afhankelijk van factoren zoals rijsnelheid, weersomstandigheden en hoogteverschillen.

5 Years of Free Supercharging

Customers who purchase a new Model 3 vehicle will receive free Supercharging for five years after taking delivery. To qualify for the offer, customers who place their order on or after January 1, 2025, must take delivery of the vehicle by March 31, 2025. Customers who have placed their orders before January 1, 2025, and have not yet taken delivery, will not be eligible for this offer if they cancel their order and place a new order. The offer is linked to the customer's Tesla Account and is not transferable to another customer or vehicle. Used vehicles and vehicles used for business purposes (taxis, ride-sharing, delivery services, etc.) are not eligible for this campaign. Idle fees (charges for excess charging time) incurred when vehicles are left unattended after charging is complete or during congestion are not included in this offer. This program is subject to change or may be terminated without notice.